以下是我從美語教材轉謄的資料,這些就對人格特質作比較明確的描述,你幾乎一眼就能判斷自己屬於什麼類型的,熟識的朋友也可以斷言你的類型,譬如說:格友中濛濛我就敢說她屬於Artistic type,Julia大約是Realistic type & Investigative type 混合型,我自己則屬於Social type,你呢?
According to psychologist John Holland , there are six types of personality. Nobody is just one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong.
1. The Realistic type is practical and likes working with machines and tools.
2. The Investigative type is curious and likes to learn, analyze situations, and solve problems.
3. The Artistic type is imaginative and likes to express himself or herself by creating art.
4. The Social type is friendly and likes helping or training other people.
5. The Enterprising type is outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people.
6. The conventional type is careful and likes to follow routines and keep track of details.